
Listening to: Naughty Girl~ Beyonce
Feeling: different
omg!!!... i jus got home from school, and i had ALS fer my shirt.... ooooo bra strap... BIG FRIKEN DEAL!!! i had to have my dad come to school and bring me clothes.... GAY!!! yea my school is deffinatly fucked up!!! yea, yesterday my mom picked me up, and she was being all nice, cuz she wants me to move back wit her, i will... jus not really soon... and idk... yesterday, i was feeling ok... i jus idk... it was jus one of those days.. were u jus kind feel like i was wicked tired... i bitched out my math teacher, and this real annoying girl... god sumtimes ppl can be really stupid.... yea today was an ok day... i might write more later
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