break down

wow... worst day of the week Past few days have been amazing, no fighting, only laughs and smiles... Then last night i find out some news about dan, and well, that really kinda made me upset, but its ok, it really is ok... those things happen ...and then dan thinks i'm going to cheat on him, and i would never do that to him, i don't even like eddie... so i wish he would stop thinking about it and now my dad is screaming at me for "downloading" shit on the computer, i haven't even been on it only 3 times, and all i did was diary and AIM... so this is fucking cool Dan is at his grammas, idk when he's gunna get back, i haven't really talked to brittany all spring break... i tried calling her like 2 times today and no1 picked up sooo, my bet is that she is out with tony or ashley... ha! thats great... anywayz, i'll probly write more tomorrow, my computer will be hooked up and on internet at the new house, and thats where i'll be... so yea later
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