Pretty Woman

Listening to: milkshake~whoever
Feeling: torn
went downstairs and watched pretty woman... good movie!!! talkin to britt... ashley and melissa are, i hope they have funn staying up late and watchin movies, and doing thier hair and painting the toe nails, hahahahaha better mood then earlier, i was jus feeling really shitty, like either sumthing was inside me, that needed to come out... or something was missing, idk how to explain it idk if i'm goin to britt's er not, i hate asking her bout it, i hate being annoying... it's so gay, and u could always lose that first love, but i dun wanna talk bout that now, its over and done with well, jus got an IM from britt, she's pickin me up on July 9th to stay fer a couple weeks... yesss : ) this week i haven't been sleepin much... fall asleep at like 4, and wake up at 8, yea kinda gay... today i slept in til 1:00 tho, so... who knos... w/e yea, this is a long entry full of nothing, but i'm jus so sry to every1, i feel like i've been a selfish bitch to everybody but dan, i'm so sry, but mostly to britt and ashley...ashley u didn't do nuthin fer once in my life i'm actually admitting that i was kinda jealous, and britt... i love u sooooo much, and u better kno that, thanx fer dealing with my shit and u never stopped helpin me out... me nad u will be true friends 4ever, i promise well... its 12:38 and i've writtin enough... sweet dreams... ; )
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