home from school

ok... i couldn't get on this thing last night cuz my computer fucked up, and something was wrong with my internet... yesterday wellll, i was at my dads most of the morning, i came home, and sat here for like ever... then i went to dans, when i came home, i tried to get on line because it was only 8:30 and my mom came in and was ll, "stephanie, why are you always angry with me?"..." stephanie, i love you"... i was like omg! mom i love you too!!!... and she just looked at me, she is so annoying!... then like 10 mins later i went in my room, and she comes in and was like "stephanie, i want you to write everyone's name on this peice of paper that you hate"... omg! i'm so sick of her fuckin shrink bullshit!!! but yea, then i watched some thing on disney :) and went to sleep... today was alright, went to school... we started swimming in gym today... hahahaha i didn't swim... i think i will 5 times thats like half, so i'll get better then a 0... in english we started our research paper, o yea, those are always fun :( and then i came home... i'll probly write more later if i can get on, if not, i'll write tomorrow... later
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hey cool sD!