bored, not really tired

Listening to: in too deep~ sum41
Feeling: alright
i gess i'm ok.. jus a little confused... but w/e, got bored, so i stole this from ashley... maybe sumtime, i'll steel melissa's too ;) THREE THINGS THAT SCARE ME: 01 | spiders 02 | pain 03 | furbies... hehe THREE PEOPLE WHO MAKE ME LAUGH: 01 | molly 02 | erica 03 | britt THREE THINGS I LOVE: 01 | my stuffed animal kitty 02 | my friends 03 | my phone... sometimes THREE THINGS I HATE: 01 | really fat ppl 02 | bugs 03 | my mom... most of the time THREE THINGS I DON'T UNDERSTAND: 01 | school 02 | parents 03 | life THREE THINGS ON MY DESK: 01 | a music player thing 02 | a bunch of cd's 03 | a computer THREE THINGS I'M DOING RIGHT NOW: 01 | writting in this 02 | listenin to music 03 | thinkin THREE THINGS I WANT TO DO BEFORE I DIE: 01 | sky dive 02 | get rich 03 | have sex THREE THINGS I CAN DO WELL: 01 | i'm a good g/f 02 | i'm a good friend 03 | uhhhh.... THREE WAYS TO DESCRIBE MY PERSONALITY: 01 | alright 02 | not that great 03 | laugh at everything THREE THINGS I CAN'T DO: 01 | play sports 02 | sing 03 | get to math class on time THREE PEOPLE I THINK YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO: 01 | yourself 02 | friends 03 | uhhh... THREE PEOPLE I DON'T THINK YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO EVER: 01 | my mom 02 | dumb ppl 03 | ppl who don't care THREE THINGS I SAY THE MOST: 01 | idk 02 | huh? 03 | yer retarted! THREE OF YOUR ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FOODS: 01 | ice cream 02 | candy 03 | french fries THREE BEVERAGES YOU DRINK REGULARLY: 01 | soda 02 | lemonade 03 | milk THREE SHOWS YOU WATCHED WHEN YOU WERE A KID: 01 | lamb chop 02 | gulla gulla island 03 | the smurfs RANDOM QUOTES: 01 | "go home" 02 | "yer gay" 03 | "shut up" ok, well, that didn't take me very long, but i'm i'm still not tired, uhhh, yea, night
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