
rest of the day had an AWESOME conversation with dan :) it was nothing except sweet things and i wanna hold you and see you's that was it.. god i was so happy my mom got home, my brothers got home, john got home... family=shitty... god i hate when they all come home, i statred being like ugh, and then dan started doing his own thing... Well i guess he started fighting ith lizz and now he feels like shit, wich is always great :( fuck lizz, she makes it seem lik she sees dan everyday, they haven't even met... w.e. i guess i'm just making a big deal out of it cuz dan feel like shit, and i can't do anythingt o help him, i always put him in a better mood, but this time i just can't and i hate it... he told me i was perfect earlier today, it made me smile alot... i'm not hurt or mad or anything like that, i'm just getting fustrated with stupid people... ((i hope nothing changes between us)) ((only that we get closer))
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