
wow today, went to school, had a really good day actually. Came home, and went to tracei's for a little while, cuz i was really bored and she asked me to come over, i was like alright i guess. Got home, ate more pizza and cake :) got on line, and kara, your a fucking stupid bitch, thats all i have to say. So yea, they broke up, and i went to hang out with dan, made him feel better :) and we laughed alot. Found out his mom hates me... And well yea... now i'm here and i have to go cuz my mom is like gunna kill me if i'm not off the comp. sooo goodnight :) Y
Read 6 comments
your fucken pathetic noone fucken cares you dumb cunt grow the fuck up and get the fuck over urself, really ur fucken dumb and kara will get dan back
no 1 likes u & dan and kara will be back 2gether & this is not kara so dont start bitchin at her u need to get a life and just leave kares man alone !
Ohhhh I like the crossout for your links. I love it. May i pleeease have the code for that! Thanks.

i didnt know you went to tracei's house. i thought you hated her. not up to date.

I LOVE U STEPH! ... your awsome! and ill luv ya NO matter what!!
hey cute diary =]

we just started a story here on sit diary

please check it out and try 2 get it out there we'll really appreciate it =]

all of us