past 2 weeks

Listening to: uh, nothing
Feeling: torn
welllll...lets see, last week was my first week at the yummy boys and grils club, we had to do comunity service everyday, and i had to be there at 9... so yea, pretty boring, then that weekend i sat aroung home and hung out with dan most of the time, ryan was there, but we din't really talk much, i gess he was mad at me or something... on sunday i went to Watkins Glen with my dad, yea gay! there i gotway sunburnt... it was gay then this week, dan told me that he didn'tlikeme anymor, cuz heliked tabatha katie and liz... then he sed he started likeing me again, and now he says he only likes liz... well yea, i still like him, i mean i can't go from really liking him one day, and then the next not at yea i still like him, but i don't think i lke him near as much as i did 2 weeks ago, and ryan told audrey that me and him kissed, so she got mad and dumped him, but they are ok now i gess, when i was talking to ryan the other night, i thought i sttarted to kinda like him, but i've noticed, that i think i only like im, when i'm talking to him, jus cuz he makes me feel good... idk, i thinks its probly just a friend thing... and there is this kid steve, he's younger thenme, and i don't usually date youngers guys, especially after ian, i mean, i jusdon't wanna do that again, but yea, he's better looking tho, and i thought he was 15 when i saw him soooo, idk, but he is really cute, and really nice, and i've kinda been liking him more and more, as the time went by, i started liking him more each day, i gess he wants to ask me out, but i don't want danto getmad or anything, saying duh, i thought you likedme alot yestrday and now today not at all, and i dun want ppl thinkin that, cuz its not like that, i like them both, yes i do dan more, but maybe i jus need o be ith someone to not like that at all anoymore... but yea, nick and steve want me to go play paintball with them tomorow, and then i might go shopping with ariel on sunday, so this weekend miht actually be fun anywayz, i'm really tired, so wwhen i get done talking to nick, i'm gunna go to sleep... night
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