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Listening to: uh... some song
Feeling: pensive
uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh....... i wake up, and outside my window i hear fucken yelling, there's like tons of fucken ppl at my house, there all helping my dad work and shit, omg, i hate waking up to the sound of other ppl in my house, it bugs the shit outta me, but at least mike isn't here, i thought he was gunna show up, but i'm SO glad that he didn't, that kid bugs me so bad... but yea... i was up till like 3 last night, i was jus lieing there in bed, not thinkin not anything, jus there, and i did that for bout an hour, and went to sleep so yea... really, i'm jus writting cuz i'm bore, i do that alot... but yea, i have nothing to write again, so i'm gunna go... deffinately rite more later today later
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