wow, another survey

i just took a survey yesterday, but i'm bored, and britt and danhad it, and i felt tempter to steal it.. so i did ______your life______ [x] they call me: Stephanie [x] also: Steph [x] sex: vagina.. yes in deedy [x] birthday: March 21, 1989 [x] status: ...single [x] occupation: student [x] ethnicity: no idea what that means _______fast forward_______ [x] college planning to go to: broome for 2 years, then hopefully SC [x] future resident of: idk [x] wedding: i'm sacred to ever get married, but if i did, it would be a sunny place on a beach with all this pretty romantic stuff... [x] children: also scared to be a mom, but if i do, 2 kids is all _______right now_______ [x] feeling: ok, my head has been hurting all day though [x] listening: my fingers on the keyboard [x] doing: this survey [x] talking to: daniel wayne [x] craving: nothing... [x] thinking of: my head [x] hating: I HATE THE WORLD 4EVER j.k. _______love_______ [x] love is: something hard to find [x] love or lust?: love [x] true or false: true _______opposite sex_______ [x] turn ons: knows how to make me laugh, ok looking, shaggy hair, trusting, caring... [x] what kinda hair style?: shaggy [x] turn offs: ditch me,never talks to me, yells at me 2 much, and makes me feel like shit [x] are you the type of person to ask for numbers?: if a friend of mine knows them yes, if not, nope ________micellaneous _______ [x] can you swim?: sure why not [x] whats your most embarrassing moment? uhm, everytime i say something and then feel stupid after i say it [x] what are you scared of?: spiders [x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: idk, i got a Student of the Month award in 4th grade, its framed and on my wall.. *face is blushing* [x] what kinda roof is over your head?: a shitty one untill i move [x] do you like tomatoes?: no [x] how many TVs in the house?: 6 [x] how many phones in the house?: 2 [x] how many residents?: 5 ______your looks______ [x] hair color: blonde [x] eye color?: blue/brown/hazelish... dan says like green and brown [x] height: 5'3? [x] do you wear contacts or glasses?: neither [x] do you have any piercings? ears, and belly button ______just lately______ [x] how are you today? alright i guess [x] what pants are you wearing right now?: light blue something pants [x] what does your hair look like at the moment?: yucky... no shower for me today [x] what song are u listening to right now?: nothing at all, but i'm singing in my head True by ryan cabrera [x] last person you talked to on the phone?: brittany [x] last dream you can remember?: something scary happend in my locker [x] who are you talking to right now?: on line, daniel wayne [x] what time is it?: 12:43 ______more about you______ [x] what are the last four digits of your phone number?: 4013 [x] if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: either blue or pink [x] what's the next cd you are going to buy?: i don't buy cd's [x] what is the stupidest thing you've ever done?: no clue... probly something with molly or ariel though [x] if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: my ass, my boobs, my nose, my feet, my personality could use a little adjustment... thats not alot is it? [x] where do you shop the most? hmm, AE? [x] how many kids do you want to have?: idk, maybe none, or 2 [x] do you have your own phone line?: no [x] do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: my teddy bear [x] have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone?: my wrist [x] who do you tell your dreams to?: britt and dan ______you and love ______ [x] do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?: no [x] do you have a crush?: i wouldn't call it a crush really... [x] where would you like to go on your honeymoon?: somewhere warm and on a beach [x] do you find yourself attractive?: when people say i look good [x] do you find yourself ugly?: alot of times [x] do others find you attractive?: i hope so... ____________your favorites____________ [x] color: blue, pink, or black [x] food: icecream? [x] sport?: nothing really [x] number?: 21 [x] board game?: uhm.. boring? [x] saying?: don't know ____________have you ever ____________ [x] wanted to kill someone?: yeap [x] broke the law?: yea [x] ran from the cops?: no [x] tried to kill yourself?: not really? [x] made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yea, when i was like 4 ______firsts________ [x] first kiss: eric bill in kindergarten [x] first job: babysitting? [x] first enemy: erica ruby, brittany barton, katie kish, and lindsey osman... all about the same time i guess... b4 that i was stupid an liked every1 ok thats it, gunna talk to dan and then sleep
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Thank you so much for that code! :)