haha wow

welll woke up and sat around while my mom took my dog to the vet, took a shower, started putting things in boxes, and then we went to the mall and i got my hair done, its highlighted and cut a little, i think it looks good, but thats just me. Went to the DMV right after that and got my permit, i only missed four :) sooo yea, my picture didn't really turn out good, i think my smile was ok, but my hair was kinda goofy looking. but w.e. my mom let me drive home, omg, she was all over the place yelling at me. I guess i was going to fast, it was a 55 and i was going 40, wow, and then when we got to the street but on 26, she grabbed the wheel and started turning it, i was doing fine untill she grabbed the wheel and started screaming, then i was disracted by her, and i wasn't paying attention, so then she yelled at me for that, and then i got in the driveway, and she was like omg! and she was like shaking, i was like mom! holy crap... and then just now like 10 mins after we got home, she's like i'm sorry for yelling, you did a good job... wow haha sooo yea that was my morning i'll maybe write more later, if not tomorrow later
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