uhhh just sitting here really... i'm in a WICKED good mood! i was feeling wicked shitty earlier, just ugh... i don't even know, just everything, and then britt called and she felt really shitty so we were just talking on line, and then i started listening to music, and that made me little better... and talking to britt, and we kinda made eachother alot happier.. thanks so much britt :) and i downloaded Santa Baby by Britney Spears, and My only Wish This Year, by Britney Spears, and All i Want for Christmas by Mariah Carey... so now i'm in a really really good mood... and just yea but i think i'm gunna go now... nothing more to write about... later
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Thanks for the comment. I always love getting them. Thanks for making me feel better too. You always can n yes, we will be best friends forever. I have no clue what i would do without you. i love youuuuuu
