
ok today is thanksgiving yesterday i had a long talk with my mom, it was just really long and stupid... then i went to dans for like 2 hours, watched a movie while his parents weren't home... then i came home, and jus chilled on the comp the whole time... alright day, nothing bad happend, so thats good today i woke up kinda early, ugh... i'm going tomy grandmas at like 12 so thats cool i ges, at least she cooks awesum... i don't think my dad will be there, he's working... my mom is eating with john out to dinner, and my brothers are at there dads... yay, get to eat with my aunt and uncle, my other aunt uncle, my cousin and my grandma... not a bad thanks giving, at least i will be with sum1... i talked to ryan last night... i asked him if it wasn't for dan over the summer, would he have givin me a chance, and he said yes... sooo uh, yea, i kinda rgret that more now, but what can ya do... uhhhh yea, i'm gunna go now, i have nothing else to write except... HAPPY TURKEY DAY haha... later
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