one fun week

well, since my dads i have basicly been sitting around my house monday i think, was when dan came over to get me,a nd John bitched at him, and dan being him, bitched back, well i got bitched at and couldn't say anything to dan cuz i was grounded from the computer and phone tuesday, school, stayed after, came home, and sat around wednesday went to school, stayed after again, and came home, and sat here... went out to get dan at 7:15, hung for a while, he helped me with a few things, i was really upset about brittany, i love her to death, and she is my bestfriend, but i'm not hers... fun huh? well then john came home, and dan apologized, well its a start... today went to school again, things with me and britt are like fucked, like we laugh, but its not like anything, its like when there is something funny, we laugh a little, but its really not a real laugh, i fucking hate this... well now, i'm waiting for either peter to come back or dan to get on line, i need to talk to sum1... ...goodnight
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