going to my mom's...

Feeling: good
feeling pretty good, kinda bored but hey... its all good... britt tony and melissa are upstairs, i got boredso i got down here, and got on line, nuthin much to do really... i jus herd something bang upstairs.. haha i think someone fell or something i'm gunna go to my moms house w/ britt and tony, were all gunna hang out w/ ryan joe and dan, but i doubt it now, dan's away says they are goin to the mall at 6-6:30, so idk, maybe if they come home b4 they go to joe's, but w/e idk how much longer i'm gunna be staying at britts, i don't want to be a problem to thier family, or her, and i don't want to get on melissa's er ashley'snerves by hanging around them all the time... sooo, idk anywayz, i think i'm gunna go now, might write more later bout the rest of my day, but i'll probly just write tomorrow, dont kno tho... ttyl
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