I Love Him

Sooo today i went and filled out a few more applications... hope i get a call back from somewhere came home filled up the truck, took it to the new house and unpacked came home at like 9:00 and dan was on, he's like omg where were you? i've missed you! i'm like awww. so we went outside, and we were talking and laughing alot, he gave me his gum but i thought it was his tooth at first *oops* and then we were talking about his dream where i cheated on him(and would never do by the way) and i said i won't ever do that to you, but don't do that to me, and he's like no, i oculd never. I was like right, because i'm the girl of your dreams, with a big smile, and he goes "you're not the girl of my dreams, your the girl of my life" i was like aww omg, and couldn't stop smileing for awhile well i just got inside and its 10:10 so i think i'm gunna say night to *my* hunni and go to sleep ::Night::
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Awww!!! That is so sweet!!!! hehe

Want My Tooth?? hehehe I Love You Steph. The Girl Of My Life.

Daniel Wayne