dad's for the night

Listening to: crickets outside
Feeling: torn
ugh... i don't feel good at all, i'm tired, my head hurts, my stoach hurts, when i breath it hurts my abs, and everyynow and then, i've been getting wicked bad cramps, and its pissing me off!... and i want to go to sleep, but i won't be able to if i get in bed, w/e.. sorry for all the complainin, i kno nobody wants to read about that shit... but yea, yesterday, this kid tim came over, my dad was gunna give him a ride to motrose with us, but there was another guy here, who had more room in his truck, spo tim went with him... kinda funny tho... anywayz... when we got there, i hing out with tima and josh, but not tim srouder and josh butler... another tim and josh... we stayed up till like 3 in the morning just talking nonstop, it was so funny... then they went to htere tents, and i went to mine... and i was the last person to wake up, out of the whole camp..even tho there were lkike only 20ppl there... still today, i pretty much did nothing, sat around, hung out with tim and josh, talked to some really ugly gay kid skaters... and that was pretymuch it all day at like 6 we all packed up and went home, my dad took the fucken long way, so it took us lik 2 hours to get back!...and then i unloaded the truck, went upstairs, got online... and now i'm talking to peter but yea... i think i'm gunna o now, after my gay boring "weekend"... w/e.. i still have tomorrow, maybe sumthin exciting will happen then... who knos later **** *** **** *** * ** **** ****?
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