
Feeling: lovesick
last night me and ariel stayed up for a while, then we went to sleep on the couch.. hahahaha, tight space!... well i woke up, and then we pulled out the couch bed, sooo, yea we woke up this morning, and i talked to dan about erica, that made me feel a little bit better, i mean... if she wants to give me away just like that, then idk.. is she really worth it?... but she holds a grudge for a really long time, and thats like 15 yeasr wasted... w/e then me and areil went to the mall... i got my hair cut!... i like it, not that different, but still... something a lil bit different... then we went to radio shack, and i saw the phone i wanted to get... then we went to taco bell, yea, i didn't get much at the mall... well, we came home and chilled... she jus left, so now i'm gunna wait for my dad to eat, and then he's gunna take me to my mom's house... i'll probly write sometime this week, cuz they have computers at the club, so it won't be so long again, but yea i think i'm gunna go now... and i smell wicked good!...i sprayed all that stuff on me from AE... i love that stuff!!! but anwayz, write more soon... later
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stop writing in ur diary. its fucking gay. all you do is talk or should i say complain about that same guys. its annoying. get a fucking life slut!!!!
Here's some advice for ya'll,

The guy who directed Pyscho and The Birds didnt have a belly btton, cause he was an alien.