uhhh, dirty?

Feeling: unappreciated
yea, i usually write at night bout my day, but i jus feel like writing, i jus called dans house, and his mom sed that him and tony were on their way, so, yea... i really need a shower, i smell so bad hahahaha britt and tony didn't want dan to come over, cuz they thinks its annoying wen we fight, but idk, we talked alot yesterday, and unless he's in a shitty mood, we probly won't fight today, i jus want ppl to see the times wen me and dan ju sit there and laugh, and not think to themselves, ummm, wut are they doing?... there gunna get mad...idk, but w/e talking to ryan again, yea... were not really talking today.. but w/e, i hope he's not goin out w/ audrey anywayz, i woke up at like 12, and i think britts getting in the shower now, so i can't reallly take one at the moment, i fell asleep in the same clothes as i wore yesterday.. haha... yea i smell, i'm not gunna be able to take a shower till they get here i gess... o well, its not like they havn't seen me like this b4... yea, idk y i always write so much, i neer have anything to write about, yet my entrys always turn out to be pretty long, o well, but yea, i think i'm gunna go now, cuz i have uthin better to do, i think i'm gunna go steal britts survey soon... or maybe later... idk yet.. but, yea, bye
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