regents week

i don't really remember much of what i did this week but uh yea... monday i had real classes wasn't so bad, had to stay after to finish my final in keyboarding, i have to start next week, great tuesday slept in late, woke up did nothing, talked to Matt on the phone, i don't think i'm going to the dance, he said he was gunna be embaressed? idk, i haven't met him yet, so i don't like him and if he doesn't wnat to go with me, thats his loss, yea thats pretty much it didn't do much of anything wednesday we had a one hour delay so my global got cancelled, bio was pretty hard, and spanish was SO easy... came home and sat around. thursday i sat around, Dan called me at like 4:00 and i hung out with him till 9:00 went home and watched movies all night friday/today woke up at like 8:00 cuz my mom was being a loud fucking dumbass! Hung out at dans house, we watched the forgotten, pretty good movie, then we went to my house and watched TV till my dad came
now here i am for the night, going back in the morning... really no point in being here, but i have to cuz my dad "likes to see me"... so much quality time while i'm here to ya know?
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