uhhh pathetic??

it all started... last night when dan was upset cuz he fought with lindsey, and i was trying to cheer him up, well i said something really stupid, and he started flipping shit on me, (i know not to do that again) well i left him a comment saying that i was crying and he didn't ACT like he cared about me, and blah blah blah... went to sleep crying... today dan IMed me saying wtf is that, about the comment... well we got in this HUGE argument, and i was trying not to be a bitch... well yea, i cried for like an hour straight, God, i hate crying so much... well, i talked to brittany on the phone for a long time about a half hour after my fight with dan... we talked for like 7 hours haha so i feel better, but i just wish dan would beleive me sometimes... well Aladin is on TV so i'm gunna go watch that... write more later or tomorrow
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cute journal =) hope dan forgives yahh =) haha how do you make crossouts in the middle of entrys?
