another week

Feeling: crappy
ugh.... my stomach hurts soooo bad!.... i hate stomach aches, w/e tho talking to dan and brittany... dan sed that his mom hates me now... cuz the other night i made him go hom late, cuz i wasreally upset, and wouldn'tlet him leave... soo i'm not aloud in thier house, and i really hope he can come to mine, i don't kno what i'd do, if i wasn't able to hangout with him, i love anging out with him, when i'm with him,its like evrything else just oes away... and just talking to britt about how my dad was being wicked gay last night, there as a HUGE spider in my room, and by the time he got up here, it was gone, and he told me to shutup, or else he'd have to come in and slap me around a bit... so that kinda pissed me off so yea... this morning isn't that great, not bad... but could be better... i still have to take a shower, andthen once i'm done with cleaning myself... i might get someting to eat, watch amovie or something, then go to my mom's..o goto my moms sooner, i'mnot sure whati will do yet, if i go to my moms sooner, i'll jus be sitting there in my room watching TV... but if istay here, i can talk to ppl online, and watch TV, and i'll be able to say bye to my dad... i really want to go to my moms.. ut its not like any1 is gunna be there,dan has to go to his grandppas, and tony is goin to britts, so i'm not really sure what to do yet... ugh boring morning boring day... boring week... i hate being bored...o well... nuthin you can do about it well... this entry was alot of nothing, and i'll write more next weekend... so bye then
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stop writing about the same god damn person holy shit
get a fucking life
hey i havnt talked to u in a while i miss u!!! lots of love