at my dads

the rest of yesterday was nothing special really, ryan said he was sorry for what he said, but kinda made me upset talking about some things later on last night... well my dad picked me up and i sat around, ate dinner, but i couldn't eat alot, i thought i was hungry, but my stomache hurt really bad after i ate... came up got on line, started tlaking to dan, and i guess ryan wanted to call me? so i got off, and on the phone with him, dan and kara were fighting and i felt bad, i want to help them, buti know theres nothing i can do... so i was talking to ryan about it, and just idk, ryan kept on tlaking about stuf that i REALLY don't want anymore, i don't.... so, i talked to dan till almst 11:30, i had alot on my mind, and just needed to tlak about it, i usually do that with birtt, but something seems different about her, like she seems like she is mad at me about something, and i really wish i knew what it was... I guess today erica is coming over, ryan wants to hang out, but idk cuz we would only b able to go outside anywayz, i'm not aloud in his house, and he's not aloud in mine (when john is home)... so idk whats goin on there, but i'm hoping to see a movielater and then bak to my house for the night, so we'll see what happens but i think i'm gunna go make mysel;f something to eat, and then watch a movie or something, idk... gotta take a shower too write more later or tomorrow
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