good day

school was alright, i hate Bio. Had late detenation and it sucked... i got my english essay almost done though, so thats good Then went to the mall with dan. He picked out outfits for me and i tried them on : i looked very good if i do say so myself. Excepti had like no money, so it blew that, lol. Dan bought me The Notebook :) and idk, we just had a really good time Dropped dan off, and drove home Well now i'm gunna go, so i'll wrote tomorrow night
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your diary is wicked cute...

*Kara And Danika*
your diary is wicked cute...

*Kara And Danika*
your diary is wicked cute...

*Kara And Danika*
your diary is wicked cute...

*Kara And Danika*
your diary is wicked cute...

*Kara And Danika*

Im Trying too.. we are all trying.. i guess i just have to let it go... i mean fer real.. it just doesnt make ne sence.. like he says... grr nvm.. i just rather not think about it... but hey thanks and im always here too.. im shure ill be needing to talk to you sooner er later.. thanks again Steph.. i really apreciate everything..:)

We'll get through this.. we can help eachother:)
