leaving sooooon

alright, slept in till 11:30 today, wish is later then i have slept in, in a very long time, so that was nice.. got on line and realized i had to re type and fix my research paper... that took like 2 hours, wow i'm a slow typer... but yea its all printed and in my folder, so that a nice feeling... last night Jordan asked out dan right as he was leaving, and he turned her down... so now guess who is in a shitty mood all the time... daneil wayne, yep thats right, and you know who's gunna get bitched at when dans in a shitty mood... me!... thats great, he should just fuckin go out with her so that he can be ahppy for awhile and not complain so much... he claims that Jordan is everything he wants in a girl, but she's seems wierd and kinda immature to me... but thats just my opinion, i don't like ANY of the girls dan is hanging out with this year, he makes himself look bad with these scummy freshmen, its so gay, cuz sometimes, its sorda embarrisg walking with him while he flirts with people like kristin bennet... ew ugly whore? yes... anywayz, thats all i ahve to say i guess, wow i'm actually not in that bad of a mood, i swear its cuz of that english paper being all nice in folder... well, guna go back to my mom's soon after i take a shower,, so maybe write more tonight.. later
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very carefully!