thought it was over

welll i thought this stupid drama was over untill i got home and saw the comment from kara... uhm wow? and to everyone w.e. talk shit about me, but keeping this stupid drama going saying shit on diary's and leaving me comments, just wow... can't we all just drop it and stop the stupid bullshit that nobody needs i am happy with dan, and he is happy with me, and the only reason he was nicer to you ashley is because you weren't saying shit to him about kara, and filrt with him online all the time... only reason.. soo yea i think i'm gunna go i'll write more later probly
Read 7 comments
ummm wow i read the last maybe 5 entries and this is what I noticed....Brittany, Ashley, and Kara...all 3 of you need to just shut the fuck up! you are being so immature! we are 16 now! I thought getting into highschool would mean less drama than the middle school.obviously not! honestly you 3 have done nothing but swear and diss stephanie and then go and act like YOURE the ones doing things right?ok wow well maybe stpehanie had sex but so have u
so yeah how about we ALL just grow up!Brittany Tony is so much more mature than you to go and be friends with Dan again but you just keep insluting who used to be your bestfriends?wow ur a loyal best friend!and i bet you and steph BOTH changed and it makes you guys fight!gahh all of you are even more annoying by causing all this drama than you say stephanie is!!! stephanie,just ignore ''re better than that and I know it!!
no thanks?
Hey Shitface since you obviously want to be involved in this drama why don't you leave your fucking name dumbfuck!
i love the first 2 comments by [anonymous (] they jus are so tru done you think??

I Love You Stephanie
wow stephanie, i left you one comment in your diary cuz you pissed me off. and i love it how people leave ones in ur diary without a name. at least i leave mine. and just to let you know..i hardly say anything anymore and i was just getting over everything and then dan had to be a shithead and say crap to me. know what hurts me and he did it.i guess i triggered it on you alittle but i couldnt help it. sorry.

hm. i guess thats it. :-/
hmm i hate you?