crying again

uhh yea, fucking crying again over nothing, this is fucking cool, it satred talking to dn and britt about tracei, idk hy i was crying over it but i was, then i couldn't stop thining about this dream i had the night b4, it sucked, and just ugh, i couldn't help, then i started crying way worse, idk why, but i was, i hadn't cried in so long, except last night, but that didn't count, b4 this weekend, i was really happy, and now, look, i'm fuckin crying again, me and tracei aren't freinds anymore, and idk what is going on wiht me and dn, he sid i have changed, but idk, i don;t really see a difference, but yea, idk what i;m gunna do, go to bed i guess... i said goodbye to dan, and wa like luv ya, and he goes, don't bother... idk what the fuck that means, but uh, yea, w.e. i can't fuckin sleep and i have no1 to go to... i'll be better tomorrow i know i will, but right now i feel like shit... i'll write more tomorrow ~*edit*~ ok well it's 11:10 right now, i tried to go to sleep, and i couldn't, i just kept thinking of dan, i was kind of being bithcy, but nothing near as what i have been in the past, like last weekend, i started flipping out on him, and he didn't really do much, the next day we laughed about it, and that was that... this he seemed really upset about... i jus, i don't even know, i want to talk to ihm omorrow b4 school and be like, hey, i'm sorry for being kinda bitchy yesterday, i was just trying to look out for oyu, and it came off as jealousy, i'm sorry... and then see what he says, god i hope i cn talk to him tomorrow, i can't slep just thinking about it, he is my bestfriend, and i don't want to ose him, and he acted different today, i don't even know, just different, and idk... i miss laughing with him, and hanging out with him, but no, his parents have to ruin it, they ruin everything and i hate it... i can't sleep, and my eyes sting from crying even though it was hours ago... i jus, ugh... here goes another sleepless night... :( night every1, bye
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