can't sleep.... AGAIN

Listening to: lullabye~billy joel
Feeling: torn
yea... i spent the last 2 days at my mom's house, i had erica over... we saw A Cinderella Story... hahhahahah, yea we had a good time, then we came home, and went to dan's house, i knocked on his window, we talked there fer like an hour...yea, me and dan hung out alot then today i asked my mom for a ride to britt's and she sed no... so her "friend" john gave me a ride, o yea, that was fun wen i got to britt's, tony was there, her dad got her in a bad mood again... but wen tony left me melissa ashley and britt went to the gas station, sumtimes i feel like i'm "intruding" thier space or somehing, cuz there all like best friends, i dun want them to feel like i em taking over er anything, and i hate it wen ppl think i'm annoying, i always have but yea, i can't sleep at alllll, britt was sleep talking, i didn't really kno what she was saying, but she laughed and giggled, so i em gessing tony was in it.... like always, so yea, i got up and came downstairs jus like i always do, i always have so much to write, most of the time, its gay stuff or complainin... but w/e i gess, i say wuts on my mind... soooo, yea idk, sumtimes i feel so happy, and others i feel so empty, i can't explain it, but wen ppl ask if i'm happy, i always say yes, so, i gess that means i'm happy..... rite? well... my eyes feel so heavy, but i can't sleep... i hate this shit, i feel so fucked up sumtimes, i dun eat, and i dun sleep, i jus sit there, and laugh at everything, cuz sumtimes i dun kno wut else to do, in the day i'm always so tired, but at night, i'm wide awake, i hate this soooo much, but w/e anywayz, your probly jus getting sick of reading this stupid shit, so i'm gunna go stare at the screen, sooo.... nite
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