one long night

Listening to: commercials on TV
Feeling: torn
well... today was a really boring day, had nothing to do, jus sat on my ass, then i took a shower at like 4, then got back online whenmy dad got home... Nancy was here too(dads g/f)... and then i had to go to the gay Tioga Race thing... it was soooo cold!... and then when they wereracing, some guy got hit by one of the cars, and like they sat there for like 30mins... and then they had to call in a helocopter, and he flew away to the hospital... a few laps after that... some guy hit the wall or something... and i think his car flipped or something... by the time they figured out what caused the accident, it was like 10:00... sooooo, they said the race was over.... FINALLY!!! : ) anywayz, we got home and then i got online... i was thinkin bout dan all day, and then he was like yer finally home... i've been trying to call you since 4... you've been on my mind alll day... i kno sometimes it hurts to think, tht he's still notmine, and he doesn't want to be because of school... but i still love knoing that he thinks bout me, and wants to talk to me... jus as much as i do him... well... my head hurts, and i ate lots of candy.. so i think i'm gunna go now... later and good night
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