
ugh.... i'm at my grammas house right now... i feel so sick, omg.... in bio i couldn't even get up (thanks britt).... anwayz, it sucked so bad, i could barely even talk, all i wanted to do, was just lay there and not even move... well i went to the nurse and layed down, that made me feel a little better, called my mom and had my gram bring me here... so yea, i'll tell you about yesterday... i went home and called up dan, he said he was leaving in like 5 mins, i was like o, thats cool... cuz i had planned on going to his house but w/e... him and marcy went to see saw, i called tracei and we went to walmart, haha... then we came home and went to endwell to go trick or treating, i had a good time, i hope josh tracei and ryan did 2... so yea, back to today... my mom is on her to picking me up now after she takes my brother to the doctor, he is sick too... then she is gunna drop us off at home and i get to watch him for the rest of the day... what fun, he better know he's not getting spoiled by me this time, i don't feel good either... sooo yea... i'm gunna go now so that i can finish my hot cocoa... i love my grama... later
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Thanks for the info....i will do that later when i get a chance