nothing really

well, i don't really feel like witting,i just haven't writtin in here in like 2 days... yesterday didn't really do anything, dan called his mom to see if i could come over because she wasn't home and she said yes, so i was hapy about that because i thought his mom still really hated me, and b4 that i was supposed to call dustin back cuz him and danielle wanted to go to the mall, but i thought he was gunna call m back, so i just went to dans, anywayz they all showed up at dans, and ended up drinking, i only had a sip, tony only had a sip, danielle took about a sip nothing of buzz worthy or anything, dustin got enough to get a buzz, and dan got drunk, not ALOT, but enough... idk it was pretty fun, but dan feel like shit now.. hm whos fualt is that... his today well nothing exciting today, went to school, it was boring, talking to peter and tabatha now, they might break, peter doesn't need that shit, he doesn't deserve it, and she is doing the same thing to pete that she did to dan, and jus ugh... and wow, its my brothers b-day party today and i can smeel like 5 different cakes... and i want some... but yea,i think i'm gunna go now... i have nothing to do and am just gunna sit home all day, so i might wirte more tonight, but i doubt it... later
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