another fight

alright... well today i did nothing, sat around untill 5:00... then helped my dad take down the Christmas tree, oh what fun that was lol... well then he took me home... i have like 100 different choices for the color of my new room, at the new house :)... i'm excited... so yea, i was surprisingly in a good mood all day today, and i have no idea why, but anywayz, then dan gets on... i was like hey kiddo whats goin on? and he was in a shitty mood... what a surprise, well i said something, and he just went off... how no1 listens to him and i'm just a stuck up bitch, he thinks i hate it when he complains to me, sometimes i admitt, it kinda gets on my nerves, but i'm his bestfriend, thats why i'm here, to try to listen and help him, but he starts just yelling at me, and now i can't help but yell back, i hate us fighting, i feel like thats all we do again, i'm happy and i just wish he could see that instead of thinking i'm always sad... sure i get upset when i have problems with my family, who doesn't? but mostly i'm happier then i have been in a while, he just doesn't seem to notice, and fighting with him, the things he can say sometimes... it makes me feel like shit... so that i feel like i'm the one who has to say sorry... but w.e. ugh, what a day huh?... hopefully things will be better tomorrow...
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