fucked up morning

i'm so bored... some fucking snow day this has been... wanted to hang outw ith britt, but that never happend, got in yet another fight with dan about some stupid shit, why can't i just be happy? he's over me... why shouldn't i be over him? i just miss the way he always used to make me smile, the things he used to say... i miss the old him, and i know i'll never get him back... talked to britt, she made me feel better, got talking to dan again, we didn;t fight, but i fele shit... what else is new i'll write more later probly... bye ::edit:: I Fucking Hate You Kara alright, well i guess its hurting me, dan, and kara, if we keep talking, so he doesn't want to talk to me anymore... my mom's gunna bitch at me some more for crying, so this has been a great fucking day... later
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how do i get cool cursors and pics on here? HELP ME!
thanks stephanie hate you too:)
Hey Talking Shit is wut i do fer a living cant help it atleast i tell ppl that i hate them and not write about them in my effing journal GOOD JOB THERE BUDDY!!!!!!!:)