pretty good day

welllll... today i woke up, had fench toast for breakfast started talkin to dan... got feeling really shitty... i jus couldn't stop thinkin about my parents, and jus ugh... yea then i went to tiffany's house for a lil while, then we went to the mall... we were there fom 3:00 to 8:00... fun times mann.... yea, i saw josh there, that was cool... and some kid got payed 10$ to stand next to us?.. idk... but it was really funny... then erich showed up... uhhh yea... ok?... then we left, and i am home tomorrow i'm goin trick or treating with tracei in endwell... places near BK so i probly won't see britt or tony... should be funn, josh and a friend is supposed to be coming to... so... yea... i hope i have a goood time but yea... now i'm talking to people on line, and after that i'm going to bed... it was a pretty good day... i had fun... i hope i have just as much fun tomorrow so i'm gunna go now... later
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