ok day

Listening to: hey ma~camron
Feeling: hot
uhhh... today not much really happend dan and tony rode there bikes here, not much between me and dan, i gess he still likes me, but today, he got my hopes up and stuff, then once again... shot me down, this time wasn't that bad tho... maybe its cuz i was expecting it, or jus cuz i had a good day, or cuz by the end of our convo, we were llaughin, i'm not really sure what was different this time, but i'm not really upset, i was at first, but hey, whats the big deal, as long as were friends, then nothing else matters between us well, talking to ryan : )... that kid always makes me smile, i really want to hang out w/ him this weekend, he always makes me smile, i love it... sometimes i think i want to be w/ him now, jus so i can have that hole in my heart filled, but then i stop and think, i dun even really kno him, but i kno him enough to kno, that i love talking to him... dan thinks he likes me, but idk... we haven't really hung out yet.. but i want to, i want to get to kno him, and then see if i like hanging out w/ him or not...but yea, i love talking to him so much... you always make me smile : ) well... i'm feeling better then earlier... i think my phone call w/ dan helped alot, plus i'm talking to ryan, and yelling at peter, so yes, i would say i can go to sleep in another good mood... write again tomorrow... night
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