
well i'm just sitting here, finally got my internet back and working... sunday was nothing really, sat around, went out to breakfast with my family, sat around and didn't take a shower untill 5:30, so yea, boring day monday was yet again nothing special... went to school, boring day, came home sat around, and fell asleep at 4, woke up at 7 when my mom came home... that was interesting, talked to dan fo alittle while, and went to bed... tuesday/today woke up late my mom gave me a ride to school, i wasn't late for anyhting, i was hoping to miss spanish, o well.... nothing exciting, this is my life, doing nothing except sitting on my ass and going to dans, wich i can't do anymore, so w.e. now my days just consist of sitting on my ass alone and thinking about stupid shit... i think im gunna bring in britt's present tomorrow, i hope she likes it, i'm pretty sure she will, but who knows.... i changed my bb ring, so now its like a heart dangly thing, its cute i like it, hoping to get more...but i think i'm gunna go now, later
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