
Some quiz thing, that i think i may have already taken before... but o well... i'm bored... Take the quiz: "What Kinda Kiss R U?"

Tender Kiss
The tender kiss is the feeling where you can be anywhere and show your feelings. Take the quiz: "What kind of eyes do you have?"

your eyes have never seen a cloudy day. Your eyes are very big and beautiful, and you loves animals and getting into a little inncoent trouble every here and now.you see the world like a big playground. when u see something new you dont hesatate to try it out, or get a closer look. Take the quiz: "what kind of girlfriend are you? (girls only)"

you are an okay girlfriend! you know how to balance you life and your boyfriend, but if something comes up, you choose the more important thing and it isn't always him. sometimes relationships are about forgiving and picking him over something else. Take the quiz: "What Kind of Love Are You?"

Wishful Love
youre not in love right now but u like to think about it. since you are Wishful Love you think about your soul mate a lot but they tend to have a blank face in your mind. you just wish that special someone would hurry up and be with you already. you are quite the romantic. be patient. youll find them someday. in the meantime try not to live life as a fantasy.
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