another day

yea i just wrote a really long entry, i went to copy it, and i clicked something else cuz my mouse tweeked out... so ugh.. yea well today was nothing special, woke up went to school, stayed after with britt for english, tony was in there too, i feel so stupid around him, and i'm like afraid to ask questions cuz i don't want him to think i'm stupid or something... so i was just like ok? hmmm... fun then i came home, my brothres dad picked me up from my house at like 5:30... we went to friendly's and then went to the mall, i bought christmas tree ordiments, mines pretty, its a tradition thing thats been going on since i was 6, so yea... he might buy me a digital camera for christmas/b-day present... i don't know though... well yea i got home at like 9... long time mann... yea, dan and marcy are still together, but they are fighting, i couldn't stop thinking about them tonight, i just keep picturing him in his room doing something stupid, and marcy crying on her bed... idk why, i jsut do, and i hate it, the mor i talk to dan, the worse i feel, like, i can't explain it, i just wish i could help him and i know i can't, no1 can, the kid needs to help himself, and its not working... i guess he got in a fight with tony earlier, about him staying with mracy but idk, he told me to stop talking about it so i did... well i can't remember all the other stuff i had written in here the first time i tried to save it, but here it goes again goodnight
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