mondays suck

alright, i woke up late today, my alarm never went off... so my mother took me into school late, i only missed math but hm, i felt good when i went ot school that extra hour and 10 mins helped alot... i was in a pretty good mood all day school sucked, but it wasn't all that terrible, i mean... for school...i think i have english homework, but i'm not sure i got home, and have been chillin here the whole time... sooo bored talking to dan on line, he's gunna come over, wow thats a first my brother is supposed to be coming soon, so we are gunna stay outside till he gets here, then we chillin somewhere, idk tho uhh so yea... i might write more, but idk later :~edit~: well dan came over, we actually didn't fight, he did grab my ear once and it started bleeding, but other then that haha... yea i miss chillin with my friends, brittany is grounded, and i'm not aloud in dans house, tracei is busy, and all my other friends always need rides that they don't have, it was nice to go out and do something, even though it was only in my front yard but yea.. i'm gunna go now... goodnight
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Hey hey tell me about it Mondays suck ass!!! but hey what can u do? You've got to help me get with that kid...Jeff? lol i dont know im really bad with names!!lol but i got to go but ill talk to ya tommarow
aw well at least you got to hang out with him!~! and im glad u had a better day at school! lots of love