lookin' good

ok today i woke up and did a whole lot of nothing untill 10:30, then i called britt and talked to her for like ever, 5 hours i think, hahha, i was talking to dan on line 2, he went to reba's to see ryan tully hhahahaha... so yea, my phones both died, so brittany and i stopped talking, so i got in the shower, i did my hair again, a little bit different it still scrunched just less curlyand more wavey, i think i like it better like this on my longer hair, but when school starts i'm gunna borrow britts curl stuff, to help it, so that will be good, i'm wearing the samething i wore to theblack and white dance,idk why, i'm not gunna be seeing anyone today... i asked ryan to come over, but i think he's gunna be with joe all day... so yea, this is my day, might write more later, but idk... later
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