off to where ever

Listening to: the news
Feeling: torn
they showed up an hour early!!! ahahahahahaha i didn't sleep until like 2:30, and i woke up at 7... o well... i'm jus fucken tired as hell!! buthey w/e... i jus gotta take a shower, afetr that we pack our stuff in the truck, and we go... so i'll be back on tuesday... write more then yup... this was a very short pointless entry... but i jus felt like writing
Read 8 comments
again with the sunset?
your diary is really cute. i like that palm tree picture! i'll add you to my list of friends.=)
no more sunsets for u homo stop cpying every1 else u queer
[Anonymous] you enjoy copying other peoples diarysssssssss?
why is ur clicky thing to make a comment called "wishes"? you "wish" that ppl will leave you nice comments..because from the looks from all the other comments..thats not happening:)
you dont know me but i read ur diary alll the time n its always about this guy really should get over him. ur diarys are gatting broing becasue of him.............does he think ur annoying because of it?
cute diary