this sucks

i woke up late today, and felt like shit, but i went to school, and i just couldn't, i felt so shitty... so i'm here at my grammas house, i love staying here when i'm sick, she has food, and she lets me just sleep and yea i talked to dustin alot this week, good conversations i thought... he's a good kid to talk to. I got in a thing with brittany yesterday that sucked, but we both said sorry in english, i can understand why she was mad, i mean, i probly would be too, but i'm glad she's ok with it now, and every1 will get used to it after awhile... tony and dustin bestfriends, me and britt best friends, it just kinda fits well anywayz... Comment in MY diary ohhh wow your a like that dan kid and now your w/ that dustin kid? wow... -skank hater [anonymous (] Comments on DANS diary i wish i could show you who i truly am [anonymous (] i wanna be that gurl [anonymous (] ^uhm wow? i can figure out who you are, so don't be calling me a fuckin slut, oh yea, and i'm not with dustin so figure things out b4 you start talking shit, thanks so yea, me brittany dustin and tony are all planning on going to the movies and shit on friday, thats good, hope we have a good time well i'm gunna go now, write more on friday :)
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i LOVE your diary! how do you get your links to have the strike through and change to pink? u can IM me if u want 2 FoxRacingChic022
Hmm..Just flicking thru diarys...I am sure everything will work out good for you and your friend..Whoever that 'anonymous' person is, its probably just some lil kid whose trying to download a LIFE of the computer, but failing =).