might not get a chance

ok...if i don't get a chnace to get on this thing later, i'm writting now omfg... my computer is so FUCKED! you don't even understand, i have a memoir due tomorrow and i can barrely even get on AIM... right now, the hole background and toolbar on my comp is gone, and the only reason i have this on right now, is because i used a pop up screen, i have been trying to get on for the last hour and a half, and it's not working to top this all off, i'm starving, and my head hurts like hell... i've been a bitch to dan al day, and i am sorry about it i'm so sick of tony... i feel so stupid around him, and when i say something that i think, he always has something to say right after to make me feel even better about myself i can't stand school right now, all of the mid -terms and shit, it's getting so stressfull and all i want is to come out in the hall, and see my friends, but dan is in a shitty mood, and i really wish i could help him... brittany is always all over tony, and i don't like to talk ot her when tony is there anywayz, because again, i feel stupid... and i know i'm just complaining in this entry, but i'm just so pissed off that i can't help it, i'm not mad at my friends, but this computer, i hate it... i wish it would stop being gay and just let me be on for an hour or two, yeap, that'd be fuckin swell fuck this shit
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Feel better Steph...we can always skip Alonso's class and talk. haha...love yaa :)
I'm sorry Stephanie. I know tony can get like that towards you n i know he shouldnt and im sorry that im "all over tony" ill talk to you later though.
atleast you have a computer, appreciate it dumbass.