
update since yesterday... last night, talked to brittany and dan till they left, then talked to peter for awhile, he agree's that everything i say always, except for shit about dan, he hates that, pete is the best listener i know, and well, yea... he helps me alot, when no1 else is around, and i do think he is one of my really close friends, because he does care, and i guess thats one thing thats nice about that, and i know britt cares too, wich is why she is my bestfriend too :) and dan, well, he helped yesterday, when he came over, it was like, nice... he wasn't sitting there saying wow your dumb, just stop crying, he was actually there trying to be a good friend... anwayz, when every1 signed off, i was just sitting here not wanting to go to bed, but not wanting to stay on the comp, so i watched a little TV... went to bed around like 10:00 and then went to sleep at 11:30, woke up so many times in my sleep, wow... and then waking up this morning sucked, had a really wierd dream... went to school, yea it sucked at first maybe it was just cuz it was morning and i was tired, but anywayz, yea... it was alright, was gunna sty after for bio, but i was tired and hungry, and i'll just stay after next week sometime... just got home, and i think i'm gunna make me something to eat i hope my weekend isn't bad, i'll be at my mom's... i usually like weekends here, but 1. i can't go to dans house and 2. i shouldn't be hanging out with dan anwayz AH! i need more friends so yea, gunna really go now... later
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