
Listening to: hold on~ GC
Feeling: happy
yea... today was a boring day, britt went to shadowbrook w/ dan and tony.. i stayed home, no big deal, then ashley mel and steph M, went to the mall... so i stayed home w/ zack, it was alrite, then britt came home, and dan was in a pissy mood, cuz britt was being annoying, w/e... he tells britt something totally different then he tells me, its really kinda gay... anywayz, me mel ashley kristy and britt, were all chillin till 11... then they had to go, so yea i started talking to ryan, he makes me feel good, britt was reading our convo, and she goes, he's really nice to you... and i go yea :)... he makes me laugh and smile, and he ALWAYS puts me in a better mood, britt asked if he liked me, and he wouldn't say... soooo... idk, but he's a nice kid, i don't really kno him that great, but from the way he talks to me, he jus makes me feel good, i haven't had that from a guy in awhile, i lilke it alot... anywayz, i was in a really pissy mood, from talking to dan, but afetr i talked to ryan, i feel ALOT better.... thank you so much ryan :)... but yea, i'm kinda tired, i'm gunna go in a few mins... so nite
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