sooo happy

Listening to: none
Feeling: grr
GRRRRR!!!! ^^hahahahaha..... omg... i'm in such a good mood, i jus got home from britt's... hahaha... me and melissa found one of britt's old diary's from wen she was like 10... it was sooo funny... she loves her gus, and her lil brick house, and her husband that she kisses every mintue.. hahaha yea... dan was in a pissy mood... but i was acting happy... and i got him in a godd mood :)... hehe, i'm so happy that i can still make him smile.. and now wen i talk to him... i feel good... and he makes me laugh again... i love this feeling... i love being happy again... i've been sad for so long...i'm jus so hapy to be happy again.....thanx every single one of my friends... i love u all tired now... ly all sooo much.. nitey nite
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