bed time

well its 11:01 and i'm sooo fuckin tired that i can barely keep my eyes open... i don't know why i'm writtin but i just feel like it... i have to pee then i'm gunna take my food downstairs, and then come back up here, and think i'm gunna go to bed.... finally afetr like.. forver and yea.. i want to go trick or treating really bad, steeling my brothers isn't enough, i want my own, ut i don't wanna go with my family and i don't kno what to be... i'll probly just bring tracei with me or something and i'll go as myself, if i don't do that... then i'm jus chillin alone at my house... *sigh* alone on halloween... that sounds almost has bad as alone on christmas... *sigh again* w/e... but yea, i'm going to bed now, cuz i can barely even type... goodnight
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Okay thats awesome. Well im really bored and this town sucks and i just wanted to tell you that i really like your diary :-P