well yea...

alright, today was really nothing, went to school, same shit there, took a gay survey in global(how many times have you smoked a cigarette, do you carry a hand gun? uhh i smoke everyday, and always, can't live with out it baby), came home, sat around for like an hour, my dad picked me up, and i came here.... i hate ithere sometimes, wow, so boring, and so depressing, i just found out that i'm not even going to see my dad on christmas, some great fuckin year this is right? :/ well yea, feeling kinda tired, thinking of the dance tomorrow, i was thinking about going last weekend, but now i think i'm deffinately not... well yea, just thouht i'd share my fuckin fun filled day with every1 that reads this... yea i'm gunna go now, night do me a favor before i go... will you dream of my smile, it may not always be there... goodnight....
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