the weekend

Listening to: nothing... again
Feeling: alright
hello there... nothingmuch really good happend this week uh, my week was prety boring, nothing exciting happend... dan asked out tabatha agin last night, i yelled at her the other day, she was bing dumb, and then she wanted another chance, and i gess every one deserves a second chance... and i wanted dan to be happy, so i gess i'm glad for them, i mean i em for dan, tanatha i couldn't give a shit, and i jus don't want me and dan stop hanging out and stuf... idk, ppl think i'm upset bout it, but the only thing i'm upset about, is i don't want them to forget aboutme, i mean, tabatha lives in endwell, so does britt, tony and dan both live in maine, i jus don't want them to replace me with tabatha... i mean, they'll be walking to endwell together everyday, and they'll all hang out like everyday, and jus idk.. i'm way worried about that, i kno it may seem dumb, but thats howi feel, and jus, idk... i can't elp was alwasyme dan britt and tony, now its dan and tabatha, and britt and tony, and i'm just there, i don't want to be butting in any1's business, but i don't want to be totally left out for tabatha,idk... i gess i'm jus naking a big deal out of nothing but anywayz, enough of that... school is gay, and i have done nothing but sit on my ass all fucken week, so uhhh yea.. really nothing is onmy mind, but that... so i'll probly write more later untill then....
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