y's it gotta be like this?

Feeling: sluggish
i couldn't get on this thing last night, so i'm jus gunna tell everything from the start... on friday, me and dan hada talk, where we weren't gumnna do stuff, and he wasn't even gunna hold me... i asked him if he'd still like me?... he goes, duh!, we dun have to be doing stuff fer me to lke you... i was like really?... and he sed yes, all reasuring... well, we didn't hang out allll weekend, i thought bout him the whole time, and wen i was watching the firworks... i jus kept thinkin bout he had sed we'll have another chance, i was jus thinkin bout how sweet he had been, but i gess that was a bunch of fucken bullshit yesterday morning, he was like... r u over me yet?.... i was like no?... so it got me thinkin allll day, so i asked him u dun like me anymore...do u?... and he sed no... i was like wut bout all the stuff u sed on friday?, and he sed "i get over things fast"... but i got thinkin, he liked ashley for a long time, all they did was kiss, and they didn't even see eachother?... idk, i jus can't take his shit anymore, wen he gets my hopes up, jus to shoot me down... so ya kno wut?... i'm not gunna talk about him er anything, this will be the last entry bout him for awhile... i kno i've sed this before, but this time is different, this time i'm keeping my heart, this time i'm not gunna be stupid an fall for his sweet talk shit... i mean yes, i do STILL want to be his girl more then anything like in the world, but i jus can't deal with his shit anymore... so it's gotta end, and it hurts so bad jus to tell myself that, but this all has to end... if anything big happens today i might wrote more... but w/e... here goes another fucken great day!!!! thanx dan... i mean u used to make me smile and laugh, u still do sumtimes... but i jus dun kno wut yer thinkin sumtimes... so thanx, fer always being there to bring me down... it makes me feel great... :(
Read 8 comments
oh dans a dick anyways dont worry about it
get a fucking life
brion jackson
oops that last one was me
DO u go to m-e saw your message on bloodredsummer's thingy get at me

i like your diary. i love the avril pic! shes so cool. i have her song on my diary. i'll add you to my list of friends =)
why does everybody have those picture now? Its stupid, you are just being like everybody else. You should have just kept your Avril pic.